Synopsis of Administrative Experience
- 25+ years of combined administrative experience for a research investment institute at Virginia Tech, three different programs/centers at LSU, three programs at the National Science Foundation – Division of Chemistry, and several appointed/elected roles with the American Chemical and Electrochemical Societies
- Executive Director, The Fralin Life Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech, 2022–present
- Program Director & Program Lead, US National Science Foundation (NSF), 2018–2022
- Chair, Institute for Advanced Materials (IAM), Shared Instrumentation Facility at LSU, 2012–2016
- Chair, Committee to establish the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) 2011-2012, 2015-2016
- Co-Director, LSU Superfund Research Center (LSU-SRC), 2015–2017
- Interim Director, LSU Superfund Research Center, 2013–2015
- Leader, Training Core of the LSU Superfund Basic Research Program, 2009–2017
- Co-Director for LSU Center for Biomodular MultiScale Systems (CBMM), 2003–2012
- Director, Materials Initiatives, LSU Center for Biomodular MultiScale Systems, 2003–2012
- Chair, Committee for Graduate Fellowships, The Electrochemical Society, 1999–2006
- Chair, Planning and Assessment Committee (SACSCOC/SACS Review), Chemistry, 2008–2014
- Chair, LSU College of Basic Sciences Policy Committee (advisory to Dean), 2004–2007
- Chair, LSU Chemistry Department Self-Study Committee for Program Review, 2004
- Program Accrediting Committee Member for 660+ Chemistry Programs, The American Chemical Society – Committee on Professional Training (ACS-CPT), 2009–2011
- LSU Faculty Research Integrity Review Committee (PS 69) Member, Chancellor Appointee, March 2010–May 2010
- Ralph E. Powe ORAU Reviewer, 2009
- Fund Raising Liaison, Graduate Fellowships, The Electrochemical Society, 2005
- Editorial Advisory Board Committee Member, American Chemical Society, 2006–2008
- Federal Funding Agency Review Panel Member, AAAS, NSF, DOE, and NIH, 1998–present
- Chair, Chemistry Faculty Awards Committee, 2008–2014
- Vice Chancellor’s Task Force on Microfabrication Restructuring, September 2009–2013
- LSU College of Basic Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Member, 2004 and 2014
- LSU Council of College Policy Committees, Member, 2004–2005
- Information Technology Materials Science Initiative (now CCT) Committee Member, 2001–2002
- Chair, Space Allocation and Building Infrastructure Committee, 1998–2002
- Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee for Chemistry, 2007–2008, 2013–present
- Chair, Faculty Search Committees, 2002–2003, 2007–2008
- LSU Alumni Professorship Selection Committee, January 2009